This is used a lot of noisy fanfare about why everyone must move to Zarr in the cloud. It's really big, daily netcdf blended/observation/model data on a 36000x18000 grid, a regular grid in -180, 180, -90, 90.
mursst(band = 0)
mursst_time(time = NULL)
a string, a dsn for Zarr MURSST
It seems like this source doesn't go past "2020-01-21" or band 6443, don't know why that is.
#> [1] "ZARR:\"/vsis3/mur-sst/zarr\":/analysed_sst:0"
#> [1] "ZARR:\"/vsis3/mur-sst/zarr\":/analysed_sst:6338"