Obtains the internal 'Feature ID (FID)' for a data source.
layer = 0L,
sql = "",
limit_n = NULL,
skip_n = 0,
extent = NA
layer = 0L,
sql = "",
limit_n = NULL,
skip_n = 0,
extent = NA
data source name (path to file, connection string, URL)
integer of layer to work with, defaults to the first (0) or the name of the layer
if not empty this is executed against the data source (layer will be ignored)
an arbitrary limit to the number of features scanned
an arbitrary number of features to skip
apply an arbitrary extent, only when 'sql' used (must be 'ex = c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)' but sp bbox, sf bbox, and raster extent also accepted)
character vector of geometry id 'names'
This may be virtual (created by GDAL for the SQL interface) and may be 0- or 1- based. Some drivers have actual names, and they are persistent and arbitrary. Please use with caution, this function can return the current FIDs, but there's no guarantee of what it represents for subsequent access.
An earlier version use 'OGRSQL' to obtain these names, which was slow for some
drivers and also clashed with independent use of the sql
is an older name, aliased to vapour_read_fids()
file <- "list_locality_postcode_meander_valley.tab"
mvfile <- system.file(file.path("extdata/tab", file), package="vapour")
range(fids <- vapour_read_names(mvfile))
#> [1] 1 58
#> [1] 58