Read a 'block' from raster.
band = 1L,
band_output_type = "",
unscale = TRUE
file name to read from, or write to
position x,y to start writing (0-based, y-top)
window size to read from, or write to
which band to read (1-based)
numeric type of band to apply (else the native type if '') can be one of 'Byte', 'Int32', or 'Float64'
default is TRUE
so native values will be converted by offset and scale to floating point
a list with a vector of data from the band read
f <- system.file("extdata", "sst.tif", package = "vapour")
v <- vapour_read_raster_block(f, c(0L, 0L), dimension = c(2L, 3L), band = 1L)