These wrappers around vapour_warp_raster()
guarantee single vector output of the nominated type.
bands = NULL,
extent = NULL,
dimension = NULL,
projection = "",
set_na = TRUE,
source_projection = NULL,
source_extent = 0,
resample = "near",
silent = TRUE,
warp_options = "",
transformation_options = "",
open_options = "",
options = ""
bands = NULL,
extent = NULL,
dimension = NULL,
projection = "",
set_na = TRUE,
source_projection = NULL,
source_extent = 0,
resample = "near",
silent = TRUE,
warp_options = "",
transformation_options = "",
open_options = "",
options = ""
bands = NULL,
extent = NULL,
dimension = NULL,
projection = "",
set_na = TRUE,
source_projection = NULL,
source_extent = 0,
resample = "near",
silent = TRUE,
warp_options = "",
transformation_options = "",
open_options = "",
options = ""
bands = NULL,
extent = NULL,
dimension = NULL,
projection = "",
set_na = TRUE,
source_projection = NULL,
source_extent = 0,
resample = "near",
silent = TRUE,
warp_options = "",
transformation_options = "",
open_options = "",
options = ""
bands = NULL,
extent = NULL,
dimension = NULL,
projection = "",
set_na = TRUE,
source_projection = NULL,
source_extent = 0,
resample = "near",
silent = TRUE,
warp_options = "",
transformation_options = "",
open_options = "",
options = ""
vector of data source names (file name or URL or database connection string)
index of band/s to read (1-based), may be new order or replicated, or NULL (all bands used, the default)
extent of the target warped raster 'c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)'
dimensions in pixels of the warped raster (x, y)
projection of warped raster (in Well-Known-Text, or any projection string accepted by GDAL)
NOT IMPLEMENTED logical, should 'NODATA' values be set to NA
optional, override or augment the projection of the source (in Well-Known-Text, or any projection string accepted by GDAL)
extent of the source raster, used to override/augment incorrect source metadata
resampling method used (see details in vapour_read_raster)
by default, set to FALSE
to report messages
character vector of options, as in gdalwarp -wo - see Details
character vector of options, as in gdalwarp -to see Details
character vector of options, as in gdalwarp -oo - see Details
character vectors of options as per the gdalwarp command line
atomic vector of the nominated type raw, int, dbl, or character (hex)
_hex and _chr are aliases of each other.
b <- 4e5
f <- system.file("extdata", "sst.tif", package = "vapour")
prj <- "+proj=aeqd +lon_0=147 +lat_0=-42"
bytes <- vapour_warp_raster_raw(f, extent = c(-b, b, -b, b),
dimension = c(18, 2),
bands = 1,
projection = prj)
# not useful given source type floating point, but works
#> raw [1:36] ff ff ff ff ...