• Remove checks for tests upset by package startup messages.
  • Now return values of functions are documented.

  • Now import the reproj package for the coordinate transformation support.

  • Removed function pathologicule(), no one will miss it. Might reappear as {gridicule} when we have better PROJ support.

  • Removed unused methods package from Imports.

  • Removed rgdal, maptools, rworldmap, oce from Suggests, and tested check succeeds without those being installed.

  • New function lonlat() for quick and dirty plots and to generate fields of longitude and

  • update for #16, not great still but better

  • Release to fix problems on CRAN, unused LazyData and dep on rmarkdown.

  • Remove warnings from geosphere about longitude, thanks to @Maschette for the suggestion.

  • Fix bug caused by new tile creation. https://github.com/AustralianAntarcticDivision/SOmap/issues/66

  • Tile and line graticules are now created by the same process, which discretizes to a default value of 5e4m (50km). This is settable with options(graticule.mindist = ).

  • graticule no longer shares the extra dependency from raster on rgeos, rasterToPolygons is no longer used

  • Added supporting information to the package.

    VERSION 0.1.2

o specify LCC standard parallels explicitly to avoid problems from some PROJ.4 installations

 VERSION 0.1.0

o new function pathologicule to draw the other projection


o upgraded for release

o added ice file raw data for vignette


o added tiles option to graticule to return polygons

o added a readme for the GitHub front page


o basics working