Specify the creation of lines along meridians by specifying their placement at particular lons (longitudes) and lats (latitudes) and their extents with xlim (extent of parallel line in longitude) and ylim (extent of meridional line in latitude).

graticule(lons, lats, nverts = NULL, xlim, ylim, proj = NULL, tiles = FALSE)



longitudes for meridional lines


latitudes for parallel lines


number of discrete vertices for each segment


maximum range of parallel lines


maximum range of meridional lines


optional proj.4 string for output object


if TRUE return polygons as output


SpatialLines or SpatialPolygons object


Provide a valid PROJ.4 string to return the graticule lines in this projection. If this is not specified the graticule lines are returned in their original longlat / WGS84. All segments are discretized as _rhumb_lines_ at `getOption("graticule.mindist")` metres, which defaults to `5e4`. The arguments xlim, ylim and nverts are ignored if tiles is TRUE.


#>                           geometry ID
#> 1  MULTILINESTRING((-180 -90 ...))  1
#> 2  MULTILINESTRING((-165 -90 ...))  2
#> 3  MULTILINESTRING((-150 -90 ...))  3
#> 4  MULTILINESTRING((-135 -90 ...))  4
#> 5  MULTILINESTRING((-120 -90 ...))  5
#> 6  MULTILINESTRING((-105 -90 ...))  6
#> 7   MULTILINESTRING((-90 -90 ...))  7
#> 8   MULTILINESTRING((-75 -90 ...))  8
#> 9   MULTILINESTRING((-60 -90 ...))  9
#> 10  MULTILINESTRING((-45 -90 ...)) 10
#> 11  MULTILINESTRING((-30 -90 ...)) 11
#> 12  MULTILINESTRING((-15 -90 ...)) 12
#> 13    MULTILINESTRING((0 -90 ...)) 13
#> 14   MULTILINESTRING((15 -90 ...)) 14
#> 15   MULTILINESTRING((30 -90 ...)) 15
#> 16   MULTILINESTRING((45 -90 ...)) 16
#> 17   MULTILINESTRING((60 -90 ...)) 17
#> 18   MULTILINESTRING((75 -90 ...)) 18
#> 19   MULTILINESTRING((90 -90 ...)) 19
#> 20  MULTILINESTRING((105 -90 ...)) 20
#> 21  MULTILINESTRING((120 -90 ...)) 21
#> 22  MULTILINESTRING((135 -90 ...)) 22
#> 23  MULTILINESTRING((150 -90 ...)) 23
#> 24  MULTILINESTRING((165 -90 ...)) 24
#> 25  MULTILINESTRING((180 -90 ...)) 25
#> 26 MULTILINESTRING((-180 -90 ...)) 26
#> 27 MULTILINESTRING((-180 -80 ...)) 27
#> 28 MULTILINESTRING((-180 -70 ...)) 28
#> 29 MULTILINESTRING((-180 -60 ...)) 29
#> 30 MULTILINESTRING((-180 -50 ...)) 30
#> 31 MULTILINESTRING((-180 -40 ...)) 31
#> 32 MULTILINESTRING((-180 -30 ...)) 32
#> 33 MULTILINESTRING((-180 -20 ...)) 33
#> 34 MULTILINESTRING((-180 -10 ...)) 34
#> 35   MULTILINESTRING((-180 0 ...)) 35
#> 36  MULTILINESTRING((-180 10 ...)) 36
#> 37  MULTILINESTRING((-180 20 ...)) 37
#> 38  MULTILINESTRING((-180 30 ...)) 38
#> 39  MULTILINESTRING((-180 40 ...)) 39
#> 40  MULTILINESTRING((-180 50 ...)) 40
#> 41  MULTILINESTRING((-180 60 ...)) 41
#> 42  MULTILINESTRING((-180 70 ...)) 42
#> 43  MULTILINESTRING((-180 80 ...)) 43
#> 44  MULTILINESTRING((-180 90 ...)) 44