
Define utility functions for repeated usage, and load required packages.

scl <- function(x) (x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))/diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
#> Loading required package: sp
#> Loading required package: spam
#> Loading required package: dotCall64
#> Loading required package: grid
#> Spam version 2.7-0 (2021-06-25) is loaded.
#> Type 'help( Spam)' or 'demo( spam)' for a short introduction 
#> and overview of this package.
#> Help for individual functions is also obtained by adding the
#> suffix '.spam' to the function name, e.g. 'help( chol.spam)'.
#> Attaching package: 'spam'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     backsolve, forwardsolve
#> Loading required package: viridis
#> Loading required package: viridisLite
#> See for
#>  an extensive vignette, other supplements and source code

Read the zooplankton data.

bw <- read_excel(system.file("extdata", "BW-Zooplankton_env.xls", package= "guerrilla", mustWork = TRUE))
#>     Station            Lat              Lon            depth     
#>  Min.   :  4.00   Min.   :-69.11   Min.   :29.98   Min.   : 175  
#>  1st Qu.: 37.25   1st Qu.:-66.84   1st Qu.:40.00   1st Qu.:1523  
#>  Median : 60.00   Median :-65.84   Median :55.06   Median :3065  
#>  Mean   : 64.36   Mean   :-65.46   Mean   :54.60   Mean   :2791  
#>  3rd Qu.:100.25   3rd Qu.:-64.09   3rd Qu.:70.00   3rd Qu.:4114  
#>  Max.   :122.00   Max.   :-61.66   Max.   :80.02   Max.   :5075  
#>       temp              sal         chl a mg/m2)       ASC (km)      
#>  Min.   :-1.6712   Min.   :33.93   Min.   : 29.60   Min.   :-39.600  
#>  1st Qu.:-1.4726   1st Qu.:34.14   1st Qu.: 44.91   1st Qu.:  4.125  
#>  Median :-1.1332   Median :34.25   Median : 53.00   Median :114.950  
#>  Mean   :-0.6755   Mean   :34.22   Mean   : 76.80   Mean   :187.506  
#>  3rd Qu.: 0.1435   3rd Qu.:34.31   3rd Qu.: 85.57   3rd Qu.:330.550  
#>  Max.   : 0.8815   Max.   :34.42   Max.   :352.51   Max.   :775.500  
#>  ice free days     Total abundance   
#>  Min.   :-35.322   Min.   :   459.3  
#>  1st Qu.:  6.108   1st Qu.:  4425.9  
#>  Median : 33.153   Median : 11346.1  
#>  Mean   : 33.139   Mean   : 23609.3  
#>  3rd Qu.: 62.901   3rd Qu.: 27417.3  
#>  Max.   :101.420   Max.   :116715.8
lonlat <- as.matrix(bw[, c("Lon", "Lat")])
val <- bw$temp
minmax <- c(-1.8, 40)

rval <- pretty(val, n = 15)

cols <- sst_pal(length(rval) - 1)

Plot the temperature data.


Create a grid to interpolate onto, this can be used repeatedly for many methods.


r0 <- defaultgrid(lonlat)

Simplistic rasterization

The most simple thing possible is to define a grid and populate that with values from points.

We extend the grid by a small amount, which is generally good practice.

rasgrid <- function(xy, value, grid = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(grid)) grid <- defaultgrid(xy)
   rasterize(xy, grid, field = value, ...)
lastgrid <- rasgrid(lonlat, val, r0)

plot(lastgrid, asp = "")

The main influence on the result here is purely pixel size, and we must consider the behaviour used when there is more than one value per pixel.

Thin plate spline interpolation.

This is the powerhouse behind GDAL’s raster warping, and that suggests that we could leverage GDAL by creating a data set in the right format for it to warp to.

tpsfun <- function(xy, value, grid = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(grid)) grid <- defaultgrid(xy)
  model <- Tps(xy, value, = isLonLat(grid), method = "REML")
  interpolate(grid, model, ...)
tpsgrid  <- tpsfun(lonlat, val)
tpsgrid <- clamp(tpsgrid, minmax[1], minmax[2])

## this shows the error
tpsSEgrid <- tpsfun(lonlat, val, r0, fun = predictSE)

plot(tpsgrid, asp = "")

Bilinear triangulation.

This is identical to Matlab’s griddata(, method = “bilinear”)


trigrid <- tri_fun(lonlat, val, r0)
## should be identical, generalizing for mesh3d use
t2 <- mesh_raster(cbind(lonlat, val), r0)
plot(trigrid, asp = "")

Delaunay and Diriclet

What about Delaunay and Dirichlet without interpolation?
## input must be ppp
#> Loading required package:
#> spatstat.geom 2.2-0
#> Attaching package: 'spatstat.geom'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:palr':
#>     col2hex
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:raster':
#>     area, rotate, shift
#> Checking rgeos availability: FALSE
#>      Note: when rgeos is not available, polygon geometry     computations in maptools depend on gpclib,
#>      which has a restricted licence. It is disabled by default;
#>      to enable gpclib, type gpclibPermit()
rasterToOwin <- function(x) {
  owin(c(xmin(x), xmax(x)), c(ymin(x), ymax(x)))
colfun <- viridis::viridis
rbase <- r0
d <- bw
xname <- "Lon"
yname <- "Lat"
varname <- "temp"
pObj <- ppp(d[[xname]], d[[yname]], window = rasterToOwin(rbase), marks = d[[varname]])

meanval <- numeric(length(lltes[[3]]))
  for (i in seq_along(meanval)) {
  meanval[i] <- mean(marks(pObj[lltes[[3]][[i]]]))
plot(as(lltes, "SpatialPolygons"), col = colfun(20)[scl(meanval)*19 + 1], asp = "")
points(d[,c(xname, yname)])

meanval <- numeric(length(lltes[[3]]))
  for (i in seq_along(meanval)) {
  meanval[i] <- mean(marks(pObj[lltes[[3]][[i]]]))

plot(as(lltes, "SpatialPolygons"), col = colfun(20)[scl(meanval)*19 + 1], asp = NA)
points(d[,c(xname, yname)])

Grid interpolation from Dirichlet or Delaunay. This is much slower than the triangulate and cart2bary method above (Mike needs to illustrate this)

 fcs.dir <- facets(pObj, nx = ncol(rbase) , ny = nrow(rbase), method = "dirichlet")
#>  number of triangles = 50 
#> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
#> 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,  50.
 plot(rasterFromXYZ(, asp = NA)

 fcs.del <- facets(pObj, nx = ncol(rbase) , ny = nrow(rbase), method = "delaunay")
#>  number of triangles = 91 
#> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
#> 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,
#> 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,  91.
 plot(rasterFromXYZ(, asp = NA)


idwfun <- function(xy, value, grid = NULL, ...) {
   if (is.null(grid)) grid <- defaultgrid(xy)
  d <- data.frame(lon = xy[,1], lat = xy[,2], value = value)
  coordinates(d) <- ~lon+lat
  proj4string(d) <- proj4string(grid)
  ## inverse distance weighted (IDW)
  mg <- gstat(id = "value", formula = value~1, locations = c("lon", "lat"), data = d, ...) 
  interpolate(grid, mg)          

dw <- idwfun(lonlat, val, r0)
#> [inverse distance weighted interpolation]
dw <- idwfun(lonlat, val, r0, set = list(idp = 1.5))
#> [inverse distance weighted interpolation]
plot(dw, asp = NA);contour(trigrid, add = TRUE)


krifun <- function(xy, value, grid = NULL, ...) {
   if (is.null(grid)) grid <- defaultgrid(xy)
  d <- data.frame(lon = xy[,1], lat = xy[,2], value = value)
  coordinates(d) <- ~lon+lat
  proj4string(d) <- proj4string(grid)
 v <- variogram(value~1, d)
 m <- fit.variogram(v, vgm(1, "Sph", 150, 1))
 gOK <- gstat(NULL, "value", value~1, d, model=m)
 interpolate(grid, gOK)

krigrid <- krifun(lonlat, val, grid = r0)
#> [using ordinary kriging]
plot(krigrid, asp = "")


This needs work, mgcv has more promise than this shows ;)

#> Loading required package: nlme
#> Attaching package: 'nlme'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:raster':
#>     getData
#> This is mgcv 1.8-35. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:nlme':
#>     collapse
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:raster':
#>     intersect, select, union
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
gamfit <- gam(temp ~ s(Lon)+ s(Lat), data = bw,family = gaussian, method = "REML")
g <- raster(extent(as.matrix(bw[c("Lon", "Lat")])), nrows = 50, ncols = 50)
pred <- predict(gamfit,, xy = TRUE) %>% dplyr::rename(Lon = x, Lat = y) %>% dplyr::select(Lon, Lat))
plot(setValues(g, c(pred)), asp = "")


# out <- as.image(d[,varname], x = d[,c(xname, yname)], nx = 25, ny = 25)
# plot(raster(out))
# look<- image.smooth( out, theta= 2.5) 
# plot(raster(look))

fsmfun <- function(xy, value, grid = NULL) {
    if (is.null(grid)) grid <- defaultgrid(xy)
  nrow(grid) <- ncol(grid) ## apparently required
  out <- as.image(value, x = xy, nx = nrow(grid), ny = ncol(grid))
  raster(image.smooth( out, theta= 2.5) )

fsmgrid <- fsmfun(lonlat, val, r0)
plot(fsmgrid, asp = "")


akifun <- function(xy, value, grid = NULL, ...) {
     if (is.null(grid)) grid <- defaultgrid(xy)
  x0 <- xFromCol(grid)
  y0 <- yFromRow(grid)

  aklin <- interp(xy[,1], xy[,2], value, 
              x0, y0, ...)
  raster(list(x = aklin$x, y = rev(aklin$y), z = aklin$z[,ncol(aklin$z):1]))

akigrid <- akifun(lonlat, val, grid = r0)
plot(akigrid, asp = "")


Hexagons: see hexbin, spatstat.

sm package

Along-track distance

Previously we used Latitude as our x-axis, this is not very sensible since the track visits the same latitudes at different longitudes. As a simple improvement let’s build an along-track axis.

# lonname <- "Longitude [degrees_east]"
# latname <- "Latitude [degrees_north]"
# tname <- "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss"
# d2 <- szt[asub, c(xname, yname, lonname, latname, varname, tname)]
# d2$date <- as.POSIXct(d2[[tname]])
# d2 <- d2[order(d2$date, d2$Depth), ]
# library(geosphere)
# dists <- numeric(nrow(d2)-1)
# for (i in seq_along(dists)) {
#   dists[i] <- spDistsN1(as.matrix(d2[i, c(lonname, latname)]), as.matrix(d2[i+1, c(lonname, latname), drop = FALSE]), longlat = TRUE)
#   }
# d2$dist <- cumsum(c(0, dists))

So now.

# xname <- "dist"
# d <- d2
# ex <- extent(range(d[, xname]), range(d[, yname])) * 1.2
# rbase <- raster(ex, ncols = 25, nrows = 25)
# rlast <- rasterize(d[,c(xname, yname)], rbase, field = d[,varname])
# rmean <- rasterize(d[,c(xname, yname)], rbase, field = d[,varname], fun = mean)
# rval <- pretty(d[,varname], n = 15)
# plot(rlast, col = colfun(length(rval) - 1), breaks = rval, asp = 1)
# points(d[, c(xname, yname)], cex = 0.2)
#  plot(rmean, col = colfun(length(rval) - 1), breaks = rval, asp = 1)
# points(d[, c(xname, yname)], cex = 0.2)
# p <- Tps(d[, c(xname, yname)], d[,varname])
# rp <- interpolate(rbase, p)
# rpse <- interpolate(rbase, p, fun = predictSE)
#  plot(rp, col = colfun(length(rval) - 1), breaks = rval, asp = 1)
# points(d[, c(xname, yname)], cex = 0.2)
#  plot(rpse, col = colfun(length(rval) - 1), breaks = rval, asp = 1)
# points(d[, c(xname, yname)], cex = 0.2)
# ## input must be ppp
# library(spatstat)
# library(maptools)
# rasterToOwin <- function(x) {
#   owin(c(xmin(x), xmax(x)), c(ymin(x), ymax(x)))
# }
# pObj <- ppp(d[,xname], d[,yname], window = rasterToOwin(rbase), marks = d[, varname])
# lltes<-delaunay(pObj)
# meanval <- numeric(length(lltes[[3]]))
#   for (i in seq_along(meanval)) {
#   meanval[i] <- mean(marks(pObj[lltes[[3]][[i]]]))
#        }
# plot(as(lltes, "SpatialPolygons"), col = colfun(20)[scl(meanval)*19 + 1])
# points(d[,c(xname, yname)])
# lltes<-dirichlet(pObj)
# meanval <- numeric(length(lltes[[3]]))
#   for (i in seq_along(meanval)) {
#   meanval[i] <- mean(marks(pObj[lltes[[3]][[i]]]))
#        }
# plot(as(lltes, "SpatialPolygons"), col = colfun(20)[scl(meanval)*19 + 1])
# points(d[,c(xname, yname)])
# source("maybetin.R")
# fcs.dir <- facets(pObj, nx = ncol(rbase) , ny = nrow(rbase), method = "dirichlet")
# plot(rasterFromXYZ(
# fcs.del <- facets(pObj, nx = ncol(rbase) , ny = nrow(rbase), method = "delaunay")
# plot(rasterFromXYZ(
# library(gstat)
# dsp <- d
# coordinates(dsp) <- c(xname, yname)
# ## inverse distance weighted (IDW)
# mg <- gstat(id = "Al", formula = Al~1, locations = c(xname, yname), data=dsp, 
#             nmax=7, set=list(idp = .5))
# z <- interpolate(rbase, mg)
# plot(z)
# ## with log
# v <- variogram(log(Al)~1, dsp)
# m <- fit.variogram(v, vgm(1, "Sph", 300, 1))
# gOK <- gstat(NULL, "logAl", log(Al)~1, dsp, model=m)
# OK <- interpolate(rbase, gOK)
# plot(OK)
# ## without log
# v <- variogram(Al~1, dsp)
# m <- fit.variogram(v, vgm(1, "Sph", 300, 1))
# gOK <- gstat(NULL, "Al", Al~1, dsp, model=m)
# OK <- interpolate(rbase, gOK)
# plot(OK)
# ## Gaussian
# v <- variogram(Al~1, dsp)
# m <- fit.variogram(v, vgm(1, "Gau", 300, 1))
# gOK <- gstat(NULL, "Al", Al~1, dsp, model=m)
# OK <- interpolate(rbase, gOK)
# plot(OK)
# out <- as.image(d[,varname], x = d[,c(xname, yname)], nx = 25, ny = 25)
# plot(raster(out))
# look<- image.smooth( out, theta= 2.5) 
# plot(raster(look))
# library(akima)
# x0 <- xFromCol(rbase)
# y0 <- yFromRow(rbase)
# aklin <- interp(d[,xname], d[,yname], d[,varname], 
#               x0, y0)
# # aksplin <-interp(d[,xname], d[,yname], d[,varname], 
# #               x0, y0, linear = FALSE, extrap = TRUE) 
# rlin <- raster(list(x = aklin$x, y = rev(aklin$y), z = t(aklin$z[,ncol(aklin$z):1])))
# ##rsplin <- raster(aksplin)
# plot(rlin, col = colfun(length(rval) - 1), breaks = rval, asp = 1)
#points(d[, c(xname, yname)], cex = 0.2)