Fix drop problem in 1 row reproj_xy and reproj_xyz.
PROJ package is now in Suggests, because a future release will not allow non-functional lib support.
now handles more situations, and gains a limit
argument for one or two radius values to limit the distance from centre to edges to this value.
When encountering strings “WGS84” or “NAD27” these are now replaced by their PROJ string versions.
New function reproj_extent()
to produce a reprojected extent xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
Argument ‘four’ is now disabled as we cannot support it.
Now using longlat-order compliant “OGC:CRS84” string throughout, rather than projstring ‘longlat’ or EPSG code 4326.
New helper functions reproj_xyz()
and reproj_xy()
to return those specific cases.
Removed unused LazyData element from DESCRIPTION.
Removed tibble dependency (was used to write-in-place to silicate vertex table).
New global option reproj.mock.noproj6
to simulate when no PROJ function is available (i.e. force fallback to proj4, no matter what version of that library is in use).
Now importing PROJ package for use of underlying PROJ
library (for versions projlib >= 6.0.0).
Now checking for longlat condition from more EPSG codes.
Now imports crsmeta to obtain meta strings from silicate.
New reproj methods for quadmesh and trimesh.
gains a new argument four = FALSE
, this can be used to return the fourth (time) coordinate when using PROJ 6 or higher.
Behaviour has changed in a breaking way, we now can only input 2-columns and an optional z_
may be input. 3-columns are always returned unless four = TRUE
, and the option t_
may also be input.
Now using PROJ package, for version 6 or above.
Tested on PROJ version 6 version of the R package proj4.
Trim whitespace on PROJ strings, you’re welcome.
which will now assume input data is longitude/latitude if this seems reasonable, and controlled by user-settable options. See ?reproj
for details.